

The core idea behind this package is to provide a toolbox for developing and integrating QUBO sampling tools with the JuMP mathematical programming environment. Appart from the few couple exported utility engines, Anneal.jl is inherently about extensions, which is achieved by implementing most of the MOI requirements, leaving only the essential for the developer.


An optimization problem is in its QUBO form if it is written as

\[\begin{array}{rl} \min & \alpha \left[ \mathbf{x}'\mathbf{Q}\,\mathbf{x} + \mathbf{\ell}'\mathbf{x} + \beta \right] \\ \text{s.t.} & \mathbf{x} \in S \cong \mathbb{B}^{n} \end{array}\]

with linear terms $\mathbf{\ell} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$ and quadratic $\mathbf{Q} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$. $\alpha, \beta \in \mathbb{R}$ are, respectively, the scaling and offset factors.

The MOI-JuMP optimizers defined using the Anneal.AbstractSampler{T} <: MOI.AbstractOptimizer interface only support models given in the QUBO form. Anneal.jl employs QUBOTools on many tasks involving data management and querying. It is worth taking a look at QUBOTool's docs.

Defining a new sampler interface


Before explaining in detail how to use this package, it's good to list a few examples for the reader to grasp. Below, there are links to the files where the actual interfaces are implemented, including thin wrappers, interfacing with Python and Julia implementations of common algorithms and heuristics.

ProjectSource Code

The @anew macro

Anneal.@anew is available to speed up the interface setup process. This mechanism was created to reach the majority of the target audience, that is, researchers interested in integrating their QUBO/Ising samplers in a common optimization ecossystem.


The @anew macro receives a begin ... end block with an attribute definition on each of the block's statements.

All attributes must be presented as an assignment to the default value of that attribute. To create a MathOptInterface optimizer attribute, an identifier must be present on the left hand side. If a solver-specific, raw attribute is desired, its name must be given as a string, e.g. between double quotes. In the special case where an attribute could be accessed in both ways, the identifier must be followed by the parenthesised raw attribute string. In any case, the attribute type can be specified typing the type assertion operator :: followed by the type itself just before the equal sign.

For example, a list of the valid syntax variations for the number of reads attribute follows: - "num_reads" = 1_000 - "num_reads"::Integer = 1_000 - NumberOfReads = 1_000 - NumberOfReads::Integer = 1_000 - NumberOfReads["num_reads"] = 1_000 - NumberOfReads["num_reads"]::Integer = 1_000


Anneal.@anew Optimizer begin
    name = "Super Sampler"
    sense = :max
    domain = :spin
    version = v"1.0.2"
    attributes = begin
        NumberOfReads["num_reads]::Integer = 1_000
        SuperAttribute["super_attr"] = nothing

Inside a module scope for the new interface, one should call the Anneal.@anew macro, specifying the solver's attributes as described in the macro's docs. The second and last step is to define the Anneal.sample(::Optimizer) method, that must return a Anneal.SampleSet.

Using it might be somehow restrictive in comparison to the regular JuMP/MOI Solver Interface workflow. Yet, our guess is that most of this package's users are not considering going deeper into the MOI internals that soon.

@anew example

The following example is intended to illustrate the usage of the macro, showing how simple it should be to implement a wrapper for a sampler implemented in another language such as C or C++.

module SuperSampler
    using Anneal

    Anneal.@anew Optimizer begin
        name    = "Super Sampler"
        sense   = :max
        domain  = :spin
        version = v"1.0.2"
        attributes = begin
            SuperAttribute::String = "super"
            NumberOfReads["num_reads"]::Integer = 1_000

    model = Model(SuperSampler.Optimizer)

    @variable(model, x[1:n], Bin)
    @objective(model, Min, x' * Q * x)

    function Anneal.sample(sampler::Optimizer{T}) where {T}
        # ~ Is your annealer running on the Ising Model? Have this:
        h, J, u, v = Anneal.ising(
            Vector, # Here we opt for a sparse, vector representation

        n = MOI.get(sampler, MOI.NumberOfVariables())

        # ~ Retrieve Attributes ~ #
        num_reads = MOI.get(sampler, NumberOfReads())
        @assert num_reads > 0

        super_attr = MOI.get(sampler, SuperAttribute())
        @assert super_attr ∈ ("super", "ultra", "mega")    

        # ~*~ Timing Information ~*~ #
        time_data = Dict{String,Any}()

        # ~*~ Run Algorithm ~*~ #
        result = @timed Vector{Int}[
            super_sample(h, J, u, v; attr=super_attr)
            for _ = 1:num_reads
        states = result.value

        # ~*~ Record Time ~*~ #
        time_data["effective"] = result.time

        metadata = Dict{String,Any}(
            "time"   => time_data,
            "origin" => "Super Sampling method"

        # ~ Here some magic happens:
        #   By providing the sampler and a vector of states,
        #   Anneal.jl computes the energy and organizes your
        #   solutions automatically, following the variable
        #   domain conventions specified previously.
        return Anneal.SampleSet{T}(sampler, states, metadata)

    function super_sample(h, J, u, v; super_attr, kws...)
        return ccall(


Now, it's time to go through the example in greater detail. First of all, the entire work must be done within a module.

module SuperSampler
    using Anneal

By provding the using Anneal statement, very little will be dumped into the namespace apart from the MOI = MathOptInterface constant. MOI's methods will soon be very important to access our optimizer's attributes.

Anneal.@anew Optimizer begin
    name    = "Super Sampler"
    sense   = :max
    domain  = :spin
    version = v"1.0.2"
    attributes = begin
        SuperAttribute::String = "super"
        NumberOfReads["num_reads"]::Integer = 1_000

The first parameter in the @anew call is the optimizer's identifier. It defaults to Optimizer and, in this case, is responsible for defining the Optimizer{T} <: MOI.AbstractOptimizer struct. A begin...end block comes next, with a few key-value pairs.


Our solver, when deployed to be used within JuMP, will probably have its users to follow the usual construct:

using JuMP
using SuperSampler

model = Model(SuperSampler.Optimizer)

The solver name must be a string, and will be used as the return value for MOI.get(::Optimizer, ::MOI.SolverName()).

name = "Super Sampler"

The sense and domain values indicate how our new solvers expect its models to be presented and, even more importantly, how the resulting samples should be interpreted. Their values must be either :min or :max and :boll or :spin, respectively. Strings, symbols and literals are supported as input for these fields.

sense  = :max
domain = :spin

The other metadata entry is the version assignment, which is returned by MOI.get(::Optimizer, ::MOI.SolverVersion()). In order to consistently support semantic versioning it is required that the version number comes as a v-string e.g. v"major.minor.patch".

version = v"1.0.2"

Model Mapping

Automatic Tests

test(optimizer::Type{S}; examples::Bool=false) where {S<:AbstractSampler}
test(config!::Function, optimizer::Type{S}; examples::Bool=false) where {S<:AbstractSampler}