Reading parameters

Reading configuration parameters

Most cases have configuration parameters such as the maximum number of iterations, the discount rate, the deficit cost etc. The function PSRClassesInterface.configuration_parameter reads all the parameters from the cases.

import PSRClassesInterface
const PSRI = PSRClassesInterface

PATH_CASE_EXAMPLE_CONFIGS = joinpath(pathof(PSRI) |> dirname |> dirname, "test", "data", "case0")

data = PSRI.load_study(

PSRI.configuration_parameter(data, "TaxaDesconto", 0.0)
PSRI.configuration_parameter(data, "MaximoIteracoes", 0)
PSRI.configuration_parameter(data, "MaximoIteracoes", 0)
PSRI.configuration_parameter(data, "MinOutflowPenalty", 0.0)
PSRI.configuration_parameter(data, "DeficitCost", [0.0])

Reading basic thermal generator parameters

In this example we will map parameters of thermal generators at each stage of the study to a struct. Suppose in this case that our thermal generators has the following attributes:

Base.@kwdef mutable struct ThermalGenerators
    names::Vector{String} = String[]
    codes::Vector{Int32} = Int32[]
    generation_capacities::Vector{Float64} = Float64[]
    therm2sys::Vector{Int32} = Int32[]

The first thing we must do is to initialize the reading procedure with the following commands:

import PSRClassesInterface
const PSRI = PSRClassesInterface

PATH_CASE_EXAMPLE_THERMALS = joinpath(pathof(PSRI) |> dirname |> dirname, "test", "data", "case0")

data = PSRI.load_study(

We can initialize the struct with the parameters of the first stage using the function PSRClassesInterface.mapped_vector

therm_gen = ThermalGenerators()
therm_gen.names = PSRI.get_name(data, "PSRThermalPlant") = PSRI.get_code(data, "PSRThermalPlant")
therm_gen.generation_capacities = PSRI.mapped_vector(data, "PSRThermalPlant", "PotInst", Float64)
therm_gen.therm2sys = PSRI.get_map(data, "PSRThermalPlant", "PSRSystem")

And afterwards we can update the parameters for each stage as follows.

for stage in 1:PSRI.total_stages(data)
    PSRI.go_to_stage(data, stage)
    println("Thermal generator 2 generation capacity at stage $stage $(therm_gen.generation_capacities[2])")
Thermal generator 2 generation capacity at stage 1 5.0
Thermal generator 2 generation capacity at stage 2 5.0

Reading basic battery parameters

This example is very similar to "Reading basic thermal generator parameters", but it is necessary to be cautious about the difference between elements. For instance, batteries have different parameters than thermal generators, therefore, our data structure must be defined accordingly:

Base.@kwdef mutable struct Batteries
    names::Vector{String} = String[]
    codes::Vector{Int32} = Int32[]
    charge_eff::Vector{Float64} = Float64[]
    bat2sys::Vector{Int32} = Int32[]

Stardard proceadure of reading data from file:

import PSRClassesInterface
const PSRI = PSRClassesInterface

PATH_CASE_EXAMPLE_BATTERIES = joinpath(pathof(PSRI) |> dirname |> dirname, "test", "data", "case1")

data = PSRI.load_study(

And now the struct may be instantiated by setting its appropriate parameters:

batteries = Batteries()
batteries.names = PSRI.get_name(data, "PSRBattery") = PSRI.get_code(data, "PSRBattery")
batteries.charge_eff = PSRI.mapped_vector(data, "PSRBattery", "ChargeEffic", Float64)
batteries.bat2sys = PSRI.get_map(data, "PSRBattery", "PSRSystem")