Policy Graphs - Building
The data for this case is available in the folder
The goal is to understand the differences between linear and cyclic policy graphs by running simulations with different numbers of periods. For this tutorial, we will:
- Compare linear and cyclic policy graphs.
- Vary the number of periods (2 and 10).
- Link the case to inflow and demand time series files that match the number of periods.
- Analyze the results to determine how the optimal solution changes depending on the policy graph type and the number of periods.
We'll start by importing the necessary packages.
using Dates
using DataFrames
using IARA
We also need to define a directory to store the case.
const PATH_CASE = joinpath(@__DIR__, "data", "case_6")
Define conversion factors and key parameters for the study.
# Define basic parameters
number_of_periods = 2
number_of_subperiods = 1
number_of_scenarios = 3
subperiod_duration_in_hours = [24.0]
expected_repeats = 5
cycle_discount_rate = 1 / (expected_repeats - 1)
# Let's define a few conversion factors that we will use later.
m3_per_second_to_hm3_per_hour = 3600.0 / 1e6
Using IARA.create_study!
we can create a new study.
db = IARA.create_study!(PATH_CASE;
number_of_periods = number_of_periods,
number_of_scenarios = number_of_scenarios,
number_of_subperiods = number_of_subperiods,
subperiod_duration_in_hours = subperiod_duration_in_hours,
number_of_nodes = number_of_periods,
cycle_discount_rate = cycle_discount_rate,
policy_graph_type = IARA.Configurations_PolicyGraphType.LINEAR,
demand_deficit_cost = 3000.0,
cycle_duration_in_hours = 48.0,
demand_scenarios_files = IARA.Configurations_UncertaintyScenariosFiles.ONLY_EX_ANTE,
inflow_scenarios_files = IARA.Configurations_UncertaintyScenariosFiles.ONLY_EX_ANTE,
Zone and Bus
IARA.add_zone!(db; label = "Zone1")
IARA.add_bus!(db; label = "Bus1", zone_id = "Zone1")
label = "Demand1",
parameters = DataFrame(;
date_time = [DateTime(0)],
existing = [1],
bus_id = "Bus1",
max_demand = 3.6,
Physical Elements
Thermal Unit
label = "Thermal1",
parameters = DataFrame(;
date_time = [DateTime(0)],
existing = [1],
max_generation = [25.0],
om_cost = [10.0],
bus_id = "Bus1",
label = "Thermal2",
parameters = DataFrame(;
date_time = [DateTime(0)],
existing = [1],
max_generation = [50.0],
om_cost = [20.0],
bus_id = "Bus1",
Gauging Station
label = "gauging_station",
Hydro Unit
label = "Hydro1",
parameters = DataFrame(;
date_time = [DateTime(0)],
existing = [1], # 1 = true
production_factor = [1.0], # MW/m³/s
max_generation = [150.0], # MW
max_turbining = [150.0], # m³/s
min_volume = [0.0], # hm³
max_volume = [100.0], # hm³
min_outflow = [0.0], # m³/s
om_cost = [0.0], # $/MWh
initial_volume = 100.0 *
m3_per_second_to_hm3_per_hour *
subperiod_duration_in_hours[1], # If it is full, it can generate for the whole year # hm³
gaugingstation_id = "gauging_station",
bus_id = "Bus1",
Time Series
Loading time series files
Using a text editor, we have created the following CSV files containing time series information about the demand and solar generation:
Let's take a look at the first lines of each file, using the function IARA.time_series_dataframe
IARA.time_series_dataframe(joinpath(PATH_CASE, "demands.csv"))
Row | period | scenario | subperiod | Demand1 |
Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Float32 | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1.0 |
2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1.0 |
IARA.time_series_dataframe(joinpath(PATH_CASE, "inflow.csv"))
Row | period | scenario | subperiod | gauging_station |
Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Float32 | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 100.0 |
2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0.0 |
Linking the time series
Now we need to link the time series with the function IARA.link_time_series_to_file
demand_ex_ante = "demands",
inflow_ex_ante = "inflow",
Closing the database
Now that we have added all the elements and linked the time series files, we can close the database to run the case, with the function IARA.close_study!
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