My first execution
In this tutorial, we will load an example case, analyze its input data, execute the model and assess the results obtained. This case contains some basic elements that can help understand some of the functionalities of the IARA package.
First steps
We'll start by indicating we are using the IARA package - assuming it is already installed (otherwise, see the Installation Guide) - and defining a directory to store the example case we will analyze.
using IARA
const case_path = joinpath(@__DIR__, "data", "ExampleCase_boto_base_01")
IARA has a number of pre-defined example cases that can be used to explore the model's functionalities. These example cases have standardized names and, for this example, we will use the one named boto_base_01
- which means that we are representing a fictional physical system named boto
in a variant named base
and a subvariant 01
To load this example case, we can use the function IARA.ExampleCases.build_example_case
, indicating the path in which the files must be stored (the case_path
defined), as well as the name of the example case to be loaded (as mentioned above, this is an internal name used in IARA).
case_name = "boto_base_01"
IARA.ExampleCases.build_example_case(case_path, case_name)
Building case "boto_base_01" in "/home/runner/work/IARA.jl/IARA.jl/docs/build/tutorial/data/ExampleCase_boto_base_01"
Besides using example cases in their default configurations, it is also possible to edit a case's physical data, or even build a case from scratch. For now, let's stick to this example case as it is defined.
Analyzing input data
After loading (or creating or editing) a case, it is possible to analyze the input data using the IARA.summarize
function. This function describes briefly the case's key characteristics, as shown below.
The first block indicates the execution options considered in the study. IARA is inherently multistage stochastic, and the output below indicates that the execution will be run for 6 periods, using 3 scenarios and 4 subscenarios. The following block, Collections, indicates the number of elements of each type in the database. In particular, Units (RenewableUnit, HydroUnit, ThermalUnit and DemandUnit) can either be represented directly, with an explicit modelling of their physical characteristics (under a cost-based representation), or represented as BiddingGroups, in which case their modelling will depend on an AssetOwner's preferred strategy (under a bid-based representation). Finally, the summary also lists the external files considered, which contatin stochastic data that will be taken into account when building the market clearing problem.
[ Info: IARA - version: x.x.x
[ Info:
[ Info: Execution options
[ Info: Path: /home/runner/work/IARA.jl/IARA.jl/docs/build/tutorial/data/ExampleCase_boto_base_01
[ Info: Output path: /home/runner/work/IARA.jl/IARA.jl/docs/build/tutorial/data/ExampleCase_boto_base_01/outputs
[ Info: Run mode: MARKET_CLEARING
[ Info: Plot results: true
[ Info: periods: 6
[ Info: scenarios: 3
[ Info: subperiods: 3
[ Info:
[ Info: Market Clearing Subproblems:
[ Info:
[ Info: Subproblem Execution Mode Integer Variables
[ Info:
[ Info: Collections
[ Info: RenewableUnit: 1 element(s)
[ Info: HydroUnit: 2 element(s)
[ Info: ThermalUnit: 6 element(s)
[ Info: Zone: 1 element(s)
[ Info: Bus: 2 element(s)
[ Info: DemandUnit: 3 element(s)
[ Info: DCLine: 1 element(s)
[ Info: AssetOwner: 6 element(s)
[ Info: GaugingStation: 2 element(s)
[ Info: BiddingGroup: 7 element(s)
[ Info:
[ Info: Time Series from external files
[ Info: inflow
[ Info: demand
[ Info: renewable_generation
[ Info:
[ Info: Cuts file:
[ Info: No cuts file
[ Info:
Since this example case already contains all the basic data required, we can now run the market clearing in the IARA model. For that, we must first define the folder in which the output files will be stored. This will be created as subfolder of the case_path
folder defined above.
path01_first_execution = joinpath(case_path, "01_first_execution")
Then, the execution can be carried out using the IARA.market_clearing
function, indicating the case path and the output path defined, as follows:
IARA.market_clearing(case_path; output_path = path01_first_execution);
[ Info: IARA - version: x.x.x
[ Info:
[ Info: Execution options
[ Info: Path: /home/runner/work/IARA.jl/IARA.jl/docs/build/tutorial/data/ExampleCase_boto_base_01
[ Info: Output path: /home/runner/work/IARA.jl/IARA.jl/docs/build/tutorial/data/ExampleCase_boto_base_01/01_first_execution
[ Info: Run mode: MARKET_CLEARING
[ Info: Plot results: true
[ Info: periods: 6
[ Info: scenarios: 3
[ Info: subperiods: 3
[ Info:
[ Info: Market Clearing Subproblems:
[ Info:
[ Info: Subproblem Execution Mode Integer Variables
[ Info:
[ Info: Collections
[ Info: RenewableUnit: 1 element(s)
[ Info: HydroUnit: 2 element(s)
[ Info: ThermalUnit: 6 element(s)
[ Info: Zone: 1 element(s)
[ Info: Bus: 2 element(s)
[ Info: DemandUnit: 3 element(s)
[ Info: DCLine: 1 element(s)
[ Info: AssetOwner: 6 element(s)
[ Info: GaugingStation: 2 element(s)
[ Info: BiddingGroup: 7 element(s)
[ Info:
[ Info: Time Series from external files
[ Info: inflow
[ Info: demand
[ Info: renewable_generation
[ Info:
[ Info: Cuts file:
[ Info: No cuts file
[ Info:
[ Info: Running clearing for period: 1
[ Info: Running simulation EX_POST_PHYSICAL
[ Info: Running clearing for period: 2
[ Info: Running simulation EX_POST_PHYSICAL
[ Info: Running clearing for period: 3
[ Info: Running simulation EX_POST_PHYSICAL
[ Info: Running clearing for period: 4
[ Info: Running simulation EX_POST_PHYSICAL
[ Info: Running clearing for period: 5
[ Info: Running simulation EX_POST_PHYSICAL
[ Info: Running clearing for period: 6
[ Info: Running simulation EX_POST_PHYSICAL
[ Info: Running post-processing routines
[ Info: Building plots
After successfully executing the model, the output path will be filled with several output files, including a subfolder containing automatically generated plots. The final folder structure is as presented below.
The case_path
folder contains, besides the output folder (in our example, named output01_first_execution
), the case's input files. The output01_first_execution
folder contains, besides the plots
folder, raw outputs of the model execution, in .csv and .tomlL formats. The plots
folder contains several _.html files, which lead to graphic visualizations (dashboards) of the outputs.
├── output01_first_execution
│ ├── plots
│ └── ...
└── ...
Assessing outputs
Now, we can examine the outputs obtained in the execution. As an example, we can take a look at the marginal cost results. You can either open this plot directly from the plot subfolder (the file should be named load_marginal_cost_ex_post_physical_avg.html
) or run the IARA.custom_plot
function referring to the output file load_marginal_cost_ex_post_physical.csv
, as shown below. More information about this functionality can be found in the plots tutorial.
cmg_name = "load_marginal_cost_ex_post_physical.csv"
cmg_path = joinpath(path01_first_execution, cmg_name)
IARA.custom_plot(cmg_path, IARA.PlotTimeSeriesMean)
Because the boto_base_01
example case has 2 buses, there are 2 sets of marginal costs data represented, corresponding respectively to the Eastern and Western buses. On the horizontal axis, we have 6 periods represented sequentially (summer, winter, winter, winter, summer, summer), with each period broken down into 3 subperiods (morning, afternoon, evening). There is variation of marginal costs within each period and subperiod, due to the presence of scenarios and subscenarios, which result in the bands shown in the image. Note that all 3 periods corresponding to summer have the same underlying probability distribution, and the same is true for the 3 periods corresponding to winter.
The marginal cost result is an output of the market clearing optimization problem, which dispatches the available units under a least cost criterion, taking into account stochastic resource availability. It can be seen that the winter periods typically present higher marginal costs than summer periods and that so does the Western bus in comparison with the Eastern bus.
Next steps
In addition to this initial page, there are other Getting started
guides, which aim to provide an initial overview of the main functionalities of the IARA model. You can access the following pages to continue this tutorial:
- Editing physical data describes the procedure to edit a case's physical input data, such as system elements;
- Editing clearing options addresses details of different clearing configurations that can be considered;
- Heuristic bid pre-processing details the procedure applied to generate the agents' bids in the bid-based representation;
- SDDP pre-processing presents the pre-execution treatment that must be given to cases that include hydro reservoirs.
If you are already familiar with these procedures, you can look into more general practical use guides:
- Building a case from scratch shows how to build completely new cases, initializing the study, defining execution options and adding elements;
- Manipulating bid data describes how to manually define agents' bids in the model, rather than using the ones bids built by the model itself;
- Manipulating the case's temporal structure details how periods and subperiods relate temporally in the model's framework;
- Exploring custom plots illustrates how to generate customized visualizations of the results.
Alternatively, you can delve into more conceptual descriptions:
- Key features of the IARA model, from physical data to clearing options;
- Market clearing structure, including the market iterations comprised in the model and the execution modes available;
- Aspects of hydro systems that were taken into account when designing conceptual IARA features;
- Conceptual mathematical formulation of the different problem representations supported by IARA.
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