Profile Bid - Building
The data for this case is available in the folder
Market Clearing overview
In the last two tutorials we have built cases with different components, including a hydro unit, and executed them in different run modes. In this tutorial, we will focus on one of the three run modes that we have seen earlier: MARKET_CLEARING
, we have Asset Owners placing energy offers from their Bidding Groups. These bids are selected by the system to meet the demand at the lowest cost possible, considering the possible constraints that the problem might have.
A possible configuration that a bid can have is to have a profile bid, where the price for the energy is the same for all subperiods in the study. Additionally, for profile bids, the system is obligated to accept the bid for all subperiods in the study.
For this tutorial we will be building a case with two Bidding Groups, where one of them has a profile bid.
Case overview
The case will have the following characteristics:
Periods | Subperiods | Scenarios | Subperiod duration (hours) |
1 | 2 | 1 | 1.0 |
And for the bids we will set the maximum number of bidding segments and profiles to 1.
We'll start by importing the necessary packages.
using Dates
using Quiver
using DataFrames
using IARA
Defining some constants
number_of_periods = 1
number_of_scenarios = 1
number_of_subperiods = 2
subperiod_duration_in_hours = 1.0
number_of_bidding_groups = 2
cycle_duration_in_hours =
subperiod_duration_in_hours * number_of_subperiods * number_of_periods
Creating the case
Just as we have done in the previous tutorials, we will start by creating a new case.
const PATH_BASE_CASE = joinpath(@__DIR__, "data", "case_3")
db = IARA.create_study!(PATH_BASE_CASE;
number_of_periods = number_of_periods,
number_of_scenarios = number_of_scenarios,
number_of_subperiods = number_of_subperiods,
initial_date_time = "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
subperiod_duration_in_hours = [
subperiod_duration_in_hours for _ in 1:number_of_subperiods
policy_graph_type = IARA.Configurations_PolicyGraphType.LINEAR,
cycle_discount_rate = 0.0,
cycle_duration_in_hours = cycle_duration_in_hours,
demand_deficit_cost = 500.0,
demand_scenarios_files = IARA.Configurations_UncertaintyScenariosFiles.ONLY_EX_ANTE,
Zone and Bus
In this tutorial we are concerned only with highlighting the specifications of a clearing with profile bids. Therefore, we will be simplifying it by using a single zone and a single bus. We can add each of them by using the IARA.add_zone!
and IARA.IARA.add_bus!
IARA.add_zone!(db; label = "zone_1")
IARA.add_bus!(db; label = "bus_1", zone_id = "zone_1")
This case will have a single demand, which we can add with the function IARA.add_demand_unit!
label = "dem_1",
parameters = DataFrame(;
date_time = [DateTime(0)],
existing = [1],
bus_id = "bus_1",
max_demand = 0.03,
We can now link the time series files for the demand to the database. You can find this time series file in the data/case_3
folder. Let's take a quick look at the file.
IARA.time_series_dataframe(joinpath(PATH_BASE_CASE, "demand.csv"))
demand_ex_ante = "demand",
Asset Owners and Bidding Groups
For this case, we will be demonstrating the differences of a profile bid offer and an independent bid offer. Thus, we will create two Bidding Groups, one for each type of bid, and link them to the same Asset Owner.
We can add an Asset Owner with the function IARA.add_asset_owner!
label = "asset_owner_1",
Now we can define its Bidding Groups with IARA.add_bidding_group!
label = "bg_1",
assetowner_id = "asset_owner_1",
label = "bg_2",
assetowner_id = "asset_owner_1",
After adding the Bidding Groups, we can link the time series files for the price and quantity offers. Let's take a look at each of these files before linking them.
Quantity Offer
IARA.time_series_dataframe(joinpath(PATH_BASE_CASE, "quantity_offer.csv"))
Row | period | scenario | subperiod | bid_segment | bg_1 - bus_1 | bg_2 - bus_1 |
Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Float32 | Float32 | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0.0 | 20.0 |
2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0.0 | 20.0 |
Price Offer
IARA.time_series_dataframe(joinpath(PATH_BASE_CASE, "price_offer.csv"))
Row | period | scenario | subperiod | bid_segment | bg_1 - bus_1 | bg_2 - bus_1 |
Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Float32 | Float32 | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0.0 | 10.0 |
2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0.0 | 10.0 |
quantity_offer = "quantity_offer",
price_offer = "price_offer",
We have just added the time series for the independent bidding offers. Now let's check the profile bidding offers and link them to our case.
Quantity Offer
joinpath(PATH_BASE_CASE, "quantity_offer_profile.csv"),
Row | period | scenario | subperiod | profile | bg_1 - bus_1 | bg_2 - bus_1 |
Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Float32 | Float32 | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 25.0 | 0.0 |
2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 50.0 | 0.0 |
Price Offer
joinpath(PATH_BASE_CASE, "price_offer_profile.csv"),
Row | period | scenario | profile | bg_1 | bg_2 |
Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Float32 | Float32 | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 20.0 | 0.0 |
quantity_offer_profile = "quantity_offer_profile",
price_offer_profile = "price_offer_profile",
Generation Units
label = "ter_1",
parameters = DataFrame(;
date_time = [DateTime(0)],
existing = 1,
min_generation = 0.0,
max_generation = 50.0,
om_cost = 20.0,
biddinggroup_id = "bg_1",
has_commitment = 0,
bus_id = "bus_1",
label = "ter_2",
parameters = DataFrame(;
date_time = [DateTime(0)],
existing = 1,
min_generation = 0.0,
max_generation = 20.0,
om_cost = 10.0,
biddinggroup_id = "bg_2",
has_commitment = 0,
bus_id = "bus_1",
Closing the case
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