Input files
Here is a table of the model attributes that need a external file:
Collection | Attribute | Description | Parameter | Unit | Dimensions |
BiddingGroup | quantity_offer_file | Quantity of offers for independent segement bids | $Q_{i, n, \tau, k}(\omega)$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod , bid_segment |
BiddingGroup | price_offer_file | Price of offers for independent segement bids | $P_{i, n, \tau, k}(\omega)$ | $\$/MWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod , bid_segment |
BiddingGroup | quantity_offer_profile_file | Quantity of offers for profile bids | $Q^M_{i, n, \tau, k}(\omega)$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod , profile |
BiddingGroup | price_offer_profile_file | Price of offers for profile bids | $P^M_{i, n, k}(\omega)$ | $\$/MWh$ | period , scenario , profile |
BiddingGroup | parent_profile_file | Parent profile of profile $k$ | $\mathcal{p}(k)$ | period , profile | |
BiddingGroup | minimum_activation_level_file | Minimum activation level of profile $k$ | $X_{i, k}(\omega)$ | period , scenario , profile | |
BiddingGroup | complementary_grouping_file | Complementary grouping $m$ for the asset owner $i$ | $\mathcal{K}_m(i)$ | period , profile , complementary_group | |
Configuration | hour_subperiod_map_file | Mapping of hours to subperiods | $d(\tau)$ | period , hour | |
Configuration | fcf_cuts_file | FCF cuts for the model, it's a file read from SDDP.jl in JSON format | |||
DemandUnit | demand_ex_ante_file | Demand data for the model in ex-ante, also used in the min cost module | $D_{j, \tau}(\omega)$ | $p.u.$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
DemandUnit | demand_ex_post_file | Demand data for the model in ex-post | $D_{j, \tau}(\omega)$ | $p.u.$ | period , scenario , subscenario , subperiod |
DemandUnit | elastic_demand_price_file | Elastic demand price data | $P_{j, \tau}(\omega)$ | $\$/MWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
DemandUnit | window_file | Window of demand | $W_{j, \tau}(\omega)$ | $h$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | inflow_ex_ante_file | Inflow data for the model in ex-ante, also used in the min cost module | $a_{j, \tau}$ | $hm^3$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | inflow_ex_post_file | Inflow data for the model in ex-post | $a_{j, \tau}$ | $hm^3$ | period , scenario , subscenario , subperiod |
RenewableUnit | generation_ex_ante_file | Realized generation for the model in ex-ante, also used in the min cost module | $G^R_{j, \tau}(\omega)$ | $p.u.$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
RenewableUnit | generation_ex_post_file | Realized generation for the model in ex-post | $G^R_{j, \tau}(\omega)$ | $p.u.$ | period , scenario , subscenario , subperiod |
VirtualReservoir | quantity_offer_file | Quantity of offers for virtual reservoirs | $Q^{VR}_{r, i, k}(\omega)$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , bid_segment |
VirtualReservoir | price_offer_file | Price of offers for virtual reservoirs | $P^{VR}_{r, i, k}(\omega)$ | $\$/MWh$ | period , scenario , bid_segment |