Output files
Here is a table of all the output files generated by the model related to the variables:
Collection | Filename | Description | Variable | Unit | Dimensions |
BatteryUnit | battery_generation | Battery unit generation | $g^B_{j, \tau}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
BatteryUnit | battery_storage | Battery unit storage | $s^B_{j, \tau}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
BatteryUnit | battery_om_costs | Battery total O&M costs | $\$$ | period , scenario , subperiod | |
BiddingGroup | bidding_group_generation | Bidding group generation | $q_{i, n, \tau, k}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod , bid\_segment |
Branch | branch_flow | Branch flow | $f_{j, \tau}$ | $MW$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
Bus | bus_voltage_angle | Bus voltage angle | $\theta_{n, \tau}$ | $rad$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
DCLine | dc_flow | DC flow | $f_{j, \tau}$ | $MW$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
DemandUnit | demand | Demand | $D_{j, \tau}(\omega)$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
DemandUnit | attended_elastic_demand | Attended elastic demand | $d^E_{j, \tau}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
DemandUnit | attended_flexible_demand | Attended flexible demand | $d^F_{j, \tau}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
DemandUnit | demand_curtailment | Demand curtailment | $\delta^F_{j, \tau}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
DemandUnit | deficit | Deficit | $\delta_{j, \tau}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | hydro_turbining | Hydro unit turbinig | $u_{j, \tau}$ | $m^3/s$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | hydro_generation | Hydro generation | $g^H_{j, \tau}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | hydro_initial_volume | Hydro initial volume | $v^{S_{in}}_j$ | $hm^3$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | hydro_final_volume | Hydro final volume | $v^{S_{out}}_j$ | $hm^3$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | hydro_commitment | Hydro unit commitment | $x^H_{j, \tau}$ | - | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | hydro_spillage | Hydro spillage | $z_{j, \tau}$ | $m^3/s$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | hydro_spillage_penalty | Hydro spillage penalty | $\$$ | period , scenario , subperiod | |
HydroUnit | hydro_om_costs | Hydro O&M costs | $\$$ | period , scenario , subperiod | |
HydroUnit | inflow | Inflow | $a_{j, \tau}$ | $m^3/s$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | inflow_slack | Inflow slack | $a^S_{j, \tau}$ | $m^3/s$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
HydroUnit | hydro_om_costs | Hydro O&M costs | $\$$ | period , scenario , subperiod | |
Interconnection | interconnection_flow | Interconnection flow | MW | period , scenario , subperiod | |
RenewableUnit | renewable_generation | Renewable generation | $g^R_{j, \tau}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
RenewableUnit | renewable_curtailment | Renewable curtailment | $z^r_{j, \tau}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
RenewableUnit | renewable_om_costs | Renewable O&M costs | $\$$ | period , scenario , subperiod | |
RenewableUnit | renewable_curtailment_costs | Renewable curtailment costs | $\$$ | period , scenario , subperiod | |
ThermalUnit | thermal_generation | Thermal generation | $g^T_{j, \tau}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
ThermalUnit | thermal_om_costs | Thermal O&M costs | period , scenario , subperiod | ||
ThermalUnit | thermal_commitment | Thermal unit commitment | $x^T_{j, \tau}$ | - | period , scenario , subperiod |
VirtualReservoir | virtual_reservoir_generation | Virtual reservoir generation | $q^{VR}_{r, i, k}$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , bid\_segment |
Here is a table of all the output files generated by the model related to the constraints:
Collection | Output Name | Description | Unit | Dimensions |
HydroUnit | hydro_opportunity_cost | Hydro opportunity cost | $\$/MWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
Load | load_marginal_cost | Load marginal cost | $\$/MWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod |
Here is a table of all the output files generated by the model related to the heuristic bids:
Collection | Output Name | Description | Parameter | Unit | Dimensions |
BiddingGroup | bidding_group_energy_offer | Bidding group quantity offer | $Q_{i, n, \tau, k}(\omega)$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod , bid\_segment |
BiddingGroup | bidding_group_price_offer | Bidding group price offer | $P_{i, n, \tau, k}(\omega)$ | $\$/MWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod , bid\_segment |
BiddingGroup | bidding_group_energy_offer_profile | Bidding group quantity offer for profile bids | $Q^M_{i, n, \tau, k}(\omega)$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod , profile |
BiddingGroup | bidding_group_price_offer_profile | Bidding group price offer for profile bids | $P^M_{i, n, k}(\omega)$ | $\$/MWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod , profile |
BiddingGroup | bidding_group_parent_profile | Bidding group parent profile | $\mathcal{p}(k)$ | period , profile | |
BiddingGroup | bidding_group_complementary_grouping_profile | Bidding group complementary grouping profile | $\mathcal{K}_m(i)$ | period , profile , complementary\_group | |
BiddingGroup | bidding_group_minimum_activation_level_profile | Bidding group minimum activation level profile | $X_{i, k}(\omega)$ | period , scenario , profile | |
BiddingGroup | bidding_group_no_markup_price_offer | Bidding group price offer without markup on agents | $\$/MWh$ | period , scenario , subperiod , bid\_segment | |
VirtualReservoir | virtual_reservoir_energy_offer | Virtual reservoir energy offer | $Q^{VR}_{r, i, k}(\omega)$ | $GWh$ | period , scenario , bid\_segment |
VirtualReservoir | virtual_reservoir_price_offer | Virtual reservoir price offer | $P^{VR}_{r, i, k}(\omega)$ | $\$/MWh$ | period , scenario , bid\_segment |